Tony Macaroni

I like more obscure alternate history scenarios, like "What if the rebellious Swiss Cantons won the Sonderbund War in the mid-1800s?"

You could've left some for the rest of us though.

"Well, he probably committed murder at least twice, but man, I'm aching for that upper-class tax cut!"

I heard he was last seen around the golf course…better check it out.

This clip is like the saddest game of Grand Theft Auto Online I've ever seen.

Now we can finally make Naked Gun 444 1/4 featuring OJ with holograms of Leslie Nielsen and George Kennedy.

Yes, only white people can wax nostalgically about college backpacking trips to Europe.

You don't need to work blue! You'll never play the big rooms with that crap.

Meaghhyynn Rhaetwwyh?

Emma Stone doesn't think so.

Stegosaurus was a vegetarian, but scientists have recently discovered it also had very dangerous and frightening levels of flatulence.

Isn't that YouTube Star PewStabPie's gimmick?

You need to read some other classics like Dawes and the infamous Gallagher interview! You're in for a treat.

I was always insulted when they'd give me a kid's menu when I was old enough to read. I was like "What the hell, you think I can't eat a full order of lasagna and Caesar salad just because I'm six?"

Ha, I like jokes too…

My question is why does the kid's menu at Taco Bell have to be so bland? I mean you let your boring wiener kids order bean burritos and cheese roll-ups when they could be getting a Baja steak gordita supreme or a lava sauce-covered volcano quesarito!

You know what they put on Taco Bell nacho fries in Holland?

There's been studies done by scientists that show the impact of foods eaten while the mother is pregnant(along with foods eaten during breast-feeding). The flavors the mother eats are passed down to the baby. The food preferences of children start at a very early point and are shaped by what they're initially

Puts hair on your chest. And your legs. And your back.

It goes back to what the mother eats while the kid is in the womb and what variety of tastes the kid eats when they first start eating solid foods. When I was a kid, I ate what my parents ate, I didn't get to complain and say I wanted something else, because that's all there was to eat. And I grew up to eat spicy,