Tony Macaroni

The guy only has to do another Rush Hour movie like every 8 years at this point and then it's back to the beach.

Tara Reid as a Russian call girl.

You mean The Man With The Golden Gun wasn't based on a true story?

Oh yeah, he also wears a cowboy hat despite being in Wisconsin, not Texas, but apparently he wears it because his uncle played for the Dallas Cowboys.

Euron will join up with Cersei and manage to take out at least one or two characters before probably being killed in the finale or next-to-last episode of this season. That's my prediction, that have to find some way to make him somewhat of a dangerous threat to Daenerys and her super team at this point. But it's

Steve Schirripa (Bobby Bacala from The Sopranos) as Chris Christie

Mike Tyson, Dennis Rodman, and Stacey Dash.

"Oh, hai Reince!"

It'll just be a clip show where the characters reminisce about all the wacky adventures they had while Kings Landing is sold to an Braavos developer to be torn down for condos.

Emmanuel Lewis had an opening act?

I used to love all the anti-drug PSAs in the late 80s and early 90s featuring rock stars who looked like they were coming down from several nights of heavy drug use. Even as a kid I knew that was hilarious.

Okay, but can you lend me a sackcloth?

Helen Keller led a team of ninjas to rescue him.

Though I can't wait for Quentin Tarrantino's take on Amelia Earhart's story as a tale of revenge…oops, wrong Newswire.

Based on his recent films this will probably include out-of-period rock or pop songs that weren't released for a long time after 1969 and a random Australian character.

Or it could also be that you had a music festival organized by Ja Rule. You'd be better off getting hologram Tupac or even a wax sculpture of DMX to run things.

A Korean playing a Chinese character? Might as well just cast an Italian guy.

Frank "the Tank" Sturgis

Hold on, hold on…you know who can play Chinese roles?

Interestingly enough there were actually far more prominent actors of Arab descent in a previous generation, though Omar Sharif and Danny Thomas are long gone at this point.