Tony Macaroni

"Oh…yeah, that's wat I was doin' for all those years too mate!" - Keith Richards

Drunk also.

The Twix promotonal Tent for the movie Superbad? Oh man, I loved their early work…so raw and crunchy.

Though Drago (short for Dragan) is fairly popular as a first name in the Slavic world though(though maybe more so in the Balkans, there's Serbians named Drago).

The Democratic Party Annual 2017 Ball
Our Balls Are Always Blue

Right after that a hurricane walked into the bar. Barry the barternder, goes, "Hey, there's a drink named after you!" The hurricane replied, "Why would anyone name a drink, "Steve"?

And hold on a second—Amelia ends in the same letter as the word "pizza"—and Earhart ends in the same letter as "comet". Comet Pizza? Oh my god, it all makes sense now!

System of A Down, why have you forsaken me?!

Poor Armenian-Americans, they need much better cultural representatives and role models than the Kardashians, where's System of A Down and Eric Bogosian at these days?

And here my son was, chewing his food himself like some sort of sucker!

Dikachu: Origins

This is more than a bootable offense—she's going to have to go the Yahoo Serious Festival for this one…

Yeah, well I ate like 22 baby back ribs yesterday, where's my prize?

HanAssholeSolo is also the porn parody title of the upcoming Han Solo prequel…

It's like the return of the Know Nothing party, though this time they literally know absolutely nothing.

D Boon still fronting the Minutemen in this era of politics would have a ton to write about considering how they nailed the Reagan era.

I got busted for stealing live bands, I just told the cops they fell off a truck.

I'm calling it, in five years the next generation of young hipsters will find CDs cool again.

"With the box office failure of Porky's Revenge, is this the death knell for raunchy R-rated comedies?" - Variety back in 1985

This is the most blatant case of false advertising since my suit against the movie Million Dollar Baby.