Tony Macaroni

The population of Vietnam isn't totally pro-American though, I had people in Vietnam in Hue and Hanoi and other parts in the northern half of the country curse me out in Vietnamese when they found out I was American. They loved the Russians though.

Or people could just stop using Twitter.

We're lowering rich seniors taxes, okay? But yes, let's not get too wrapped in the specifics, taxes are going down!

Because he's not a good actor?

Don't worry seniors we're now going to lower your taxes!

It's sort of like the movie Boyhood, where the drunken step-dads just keep getting drunker and angier—suddenly Ethan Hawke's half-assed slacker dad doesn't look so bad anymore.

The old, long-gone Mission to Mars ride in Tomorrowland originally had a sub-plot where children were sold into slave colonies, but they removed that in the 70s.

I can't keep up with these reboots, I'm almost as old as old man Tom Hardy.

Which would be kind of funny because Tom Hardy's generation listened to a lot noisier music on average than the poppy stuff Tom Holland's generation listens to.

The four Kardashian/Jenner sisters should start a band and call it KKKK.

Say what you want about the tenets of pop art, dude… but at least it's an ethos.

Oh geez, that's worse than the video where a Chevy peed on a Ford.

The baby looked at you?

What, do they show re-runs in the arena bars?

Yeah, it really takes a data analyst to figure this one out:

Or a Greek Orthodox priest or Buddhist monk, because these assholes really can't tell the difference.

Hey guys, just please don't set any fires in the Reichstag and we might be okay.

I know, this guy has a clean record and I agree with his stance on bamboo.

Can we run this Panda for office? He sounds pretty sharp.

I thought that was Bend It Like Sbarro