Tony Macaroni

Следите за своей спиной…oops, I mean, ha, ha, nothing to see here American AV Club!

So we finally get a look at Danny Glover's lethal weapon?

Complaining about staying up late? What kind of old man are you McCain? My 90-something grandparents stay up to 2:30 am every night in Florida yelling at the TV.

How is Plaid Cymru doing?

Enter the Lawsuit

I'm right about the correct age for nostalgia for a game from that period, though I have to admit, I've never heard of Bubsy the Cat until today.

That explains all those charming German bier halls in Argentina.

I always sort of liked The Highwaymen.

Well, he's new

John McCain just tweeted Crosby, Stills, and Nash's home address

McCain forgot to take his old man pills this morning.

They're working on a star treaty via the star negotiations at the star summit.

As long as he doesn't pull a Frank Pentangeli.

Ms. Pac Man's Choice

All are fine artists, but they sound like they could be from the 1970s to me.

All rock is dad rock at this point, there hasn't really been anything new in the world of rock music since the 90s(and even that is debatable) and that generation is in their 40s and 50s at this point.

Thee oh say can youse sees, bys the dawn early lights

But 1979 is going to be happy.

Cartoon super-villains are usually very smart with fairly well organized plans…I'd be happy with that at this point!

Moses? That hack stole that joke from Abraham, he was telling it for years in the Catskills.