Tony Macaroni

Australian jokes are a bootable offense!

Only The Rock could pull that role off.

That twelve film King Arthur franchise is still happening, right?

What about The Blunchblack of Blotre Blame?

Con Air and The Rock and Face/Off were all fairly big hits, but amazingly also there were no sequels to any of them. Perhaps there were other reasons or they were just too weird to do again, I can't imagine that happening today since every action or comedy that makes money is already destined for a sequel. Though I

Joe Paterno: All right. This one time I'll let you ask me about my affairs.
Sue Paterno: Is it true? Is it?
Joe Paterno: No.

No Loggins, No Dice was actually the tittle of Messina's solo album right?

I've got some good news and some bad news for you…

Maybe Harford Community College in Maryland.

He brews a kolsch, you brew a farmhouse ale, he sends one of yours to a microbrewery, you send one of his to a nanobrewery, that's the Chicago way!

That's too bad, he was good in that one season of The Wire.


This sounds like the plot of a new series on Showtime.

That's why they had to franchise those Bubba Gump Shrimp Company restaurants.

Your honor, I'd like to request a "complete jury switcheroo" as in the case of the People of Chicago Vs. Bobby DeNiro…

What if the Seven Dwarfs weren't so short? What, do they get drafted by the NBA or something now?

Mo' Mamma, Mo' Mia!

In Soviet Russia, seizure will theatre you!

"Hey, there's only one name on the ballot? Ouch, stop hitting me."

Well, they all look like that Russian hacker played by Allan Cumming in Goldeneye actually.