Tony Macaroni

"That's a real nice indie film directing career you've got there, be a real shame if something was to happen to it."

So Brexit was all about Crackle?

"Dear White People doesn’t care about white people!" - Mike Myers

Well, proud attendee of Austin Community College.

Tila Tequila.

Or maybe a banger in the mouth.

Don't forget the King of Pain from the Sting System.

The first one was fun because it kept the 60s Mod theme instead of updating it to the modern age. I wish some of these other reboots would occasionally set things in the time and setting of the original properties rather than always having to be a bland modern day update. Though at the same time, that probably

American foreign policy wasn't that great pre-Korean War either, we sent the marines into plenty of Latin American countries to help some banana republic dictator in the first half of the 20th Century and there was wars that were straight out territorial conquests in the 19th Century like the Mexican-American and

And at the very end of the film it turns out the hitman's bodyguard has his own bodyguard played by—-you guessed it, Frank Stallone.

"It's time for the Jedi to end…because now it's time for our hip re-branding as the J.E.D. Eye. May the marketing campaign be with you."

He spends most of the film looking for a lost cat again.

"Roguish intergalactic gambler Rando Nevadian is our only hope at the moment."

More like LOLbot, cuz that guy is hilarious!

I always wondered when watching Coming To America, just how big was McDowell's supposed to be? Were they just a local franchise in New York were they a regional/national chain or did they just have some locations in Queens? John Amos seemed to be doing pretty good, but it's not like he was a billionaire tycoon or

Can you please provide some data on what the main language group in Zamunda might be? Would it be of the Niger–Congo family and possibly of Bantu origin or would it be Nilo-Saharan?

Coming To America 2: The Rise of McDowell's

I just hope Stephen Miller gets his ass kicked out of there soon… Sessions will probably be around for the long run unless he's indicted or something.

The thing about The Donald is that unless you're family or his long-serving butler or something—you're disposable to him in the long run. Ask Roy Cohn about that…

Especially towards the end…