Tony Macaroni

Montreal also has the superior Italian mafia families over New York these days.

To balance it out there should be a Biggie Smalls statue in between the two with a plaque that reads "Mo Money, Mo Problems".

I respect the European Parliament though maybe not to the level of a true fan.

I've never actually seen a film in the Fast and the Furious series and at this point there's just too many films in that franchise to start watching them. Like seriously, there's eight of those films? They only made seven Rocky films and that was over 40 years!

I hope he plays an extended jam on "The Rock."

Are The Swet Shop Boys the foreign non-union equivalent of The Pet Shop Boys?

Wait I thought we were talking about Captain America: Bitches Brew where Tony Stark urges them to go all funky jazz fusion.

Even prior to June 1989, that wasn't a very good line for that era of China.

They're going to have to move onto Epcot Center at some point so get ready for Dwayne Johnson in O Canada! The Canada Pavillion Movie, and Living with the Land: Greenhouse Adventures, and The African Themed Refreshment Outpost.

Dwayne Johnson's upcoming movie schedule of Rampage, Skyscraper, and Jungle Cruise sounds like those fake action movies that Vinny Chase used to get his name attached to on Entourage.

I remember the Growing Pains episode where Mike Seaver discovered Coach Lubbock had eight kids that led to the Just the Ten of Us spinoff—and not only does poor Coach Lubbock have eight kids, but also despite being a coach(and having to sub in for teachers including running school plays) at a high school in a rich

We've already built a huge fence in the places where it was practical to build over a decade ago.

Well, now Tillerson is saying we will look at options to remove Assad…that changed rather quick.

He really has no consistent policy positions except for the wall. And Tillerson saying the US was fine with Assad in power a few days ago…hmm.

He's back… in pog form!

It is two things, it doesn't mean discussing generational trends isn't' interesting to some of us.

You can't print that!

I was confused by Marco Polo however.

Heh, there was an NES game called "Gotcha!" that was loosely based only on the paintball game in the film and not the spy thriller part.

There are big events and trends that shape some generations—the prosperity of the post-war baby boom was real phenomenon that did color a lot of that generation's outlook as compared to the generation that grew up during the Depression. Millennials growing up in the mix of prosperity and caution of 90s - 2000s did