Tony Macaroni

Frank Sinatra's family was on line three, and baby, they weren't crooning…

Fuckin' limeys.

Now, that's inspired casting!

"Jack Ryan, Russian spies have infiltrated our computer system!"

He's just like James Bond without the swagger, gadgets, numerous sexual encounters with beautiful women, cool cars, or exotic locations.

I remember the cafeteria at my college dorm used to have some super cheap $1 a slice pizza night—all I can remember is how drunk and wasted we were every time we hit that up. The pizza was about as good as you'd expect from an ATM though.

You just did. It is pretty great, I liked it!

"Damnit Declan, you're a real wild rogue fur trader. I got complaints up the wazoo from the Hudson's Bay Company, the Northwest Company, and several Algonquin tribal leaders. Turn in your beaver pelt and flintlock musket, hotshot."

"You're not alone at home just because you've not seen Home Alone." - HomeAloneAnon's motto

I mean Home Alone was already pretty violent, that nail in the foot scene…ouch.

It could sort of be both…just wind him up and let him go, but make sure he tweets a lot on certain days. It'd be interesting to look at the number of tweets by date compared to release of big news stories.

It's a smoke screen obviously. When big news comes out like intelligence hearings about Russians trying to influence the election or Republican plans to defund Medicare, you'll see a bunch of tweets about The Apprentice or Mike Pence getting called out going to Hamilton or something else that isn't really of any

Don't they have enough problems with lawsuits already?

I liked Jewish Joy Division and their hit Chutzpah Will Shlep Us Apart

And check this out, there's a Athens, Greece! Just like the one in Georgia.

"Food-related parody? Stay the fuck out of my territory." - Weird Al

Actually this is a film about a black hockey player who joins a team in Nashville.

They've hired the ghost of President Nixon?

C3PO - "Hello, General Leia, it's good to have you back!"

I was hoping for Weimar Era Germany.