Tony Macaroni

And you may ask yourself, well, where are my upvotes?

We totally should've elected that guy, I voted for him.

Your Bo Bice bomb better work nerdlinger!

I mean even people who watched him on American Idol probably don't recognize him now, he just looks like some random white boy these days.

Those Popeye's Chicken employees are just rebelling against the stifling culture of political correctness and telling it like it is; maybe snowflake Bo Bice needs a trigger warning and safe space.

So does she have like eight kids or something?

I collected all the first editions of those Image comics back in the early 90s as a kid during the big comic collecting boom.

Reagan and the first Bush won huge electoral victories in the 80s where they basically won almost every state, but yeah California(and Oregon and Washington) voted Republican in a lot of presidential elections pre-1992. Things got more partisan in terms of a divide post-1992, but even Clinton won states in the South

It would've only taken about a third of the voters who went for Stein and Johnson in a few states(Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania) switching their votes and Clinton would've won the electoral vote. Florida was close also(and third party voters could've decided it too).

One thing I heard from some people not voting for Clinton was, "Oh, well she'll win anyhow, so I'm going to vote my conscience and vote for Stein(or Johnson)." Most Sanders supporters(including myself) got on board and voted for Clinton, but really it only took a relative handful of voters in three states to decide

Fruity pilsner lager? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!

Del Taco is one of the wild card fast food outposts in the Pacific Northwest, there's maybe a few each in Oregon and Washington but they're always in random suburban locations.

The reason for the popularity of those crunchy-as-hell hard shell tacos is the fact that you can get two of them for about a $1 on the value menu—you can't get two real tacos for $1 unless you're in Mexico and fast food tacos at Taco Bell cost more also for a single taco. When I was a broke teenager(frequently with

They stole that name from Bob Marley and the Jizz Wailers!

Yeah, and then later in the series the Thin Man actually did refer to Nick Charles as in The Thin Man Goes Home.

Geez, James Woods is quite the little snowflake. And speaking of snow, I've heard that Woods[REDACTED]

The Slenderman series was those charming mystery films from the 1940s with Nick and Nora and that adorable dog, right?

Costner just needs to do the obvious thing and make a film about a baseball player in the Old West.

"Real nice film career you've got here Keaton, be a shame if something was to happen to it…"

That Beach Boys song he wrote was horrible!