Tony Macaroni

Randy Quaid is Nien Nub in Nubbing but Trouble: A Star Wars Story

White Men Can't Jump To Hyperspace

It told me once about a $6 pizza special down the street from me!

Casey Affleck is starring in the Oscar contender drama, McDonalds by the Holy See.

And in other news, Blue Oyster Cult is playing some Indian casinos and a gig at an army training base in the next month!

Considering in recent years Bonaroo had Billy Joel as a headliner and Outside Lands had Elton John, Radiohead at Coachella sounds a little more relevant—though honestly that there's a large group of young folks who will show up at these festivals no matter who the headliners are—because as long as there's sex and

One day you're on top of the festival world with your name in size 18 font, and the next thing you know you're down at the bottom of the bill in 8.5 font next to bands that people can't tell if they're real or not.

People keep killing their spouses, I mean someone has to cover it.

Music festivals always seem awesome when you read the lineups, but then you go to one and the bands you really want to see playing at the same time, long lines for drinks and port-a-potties, camping in muddy fields or dry barren wastelands, massive traffic jams trying to get into or out of the venue's parking, and

Wait, they weren't one of the bands with the really small font at the bottom? How can you have a festival without that sweet, sweet Laurel Canyon sound?

AV Club is just hoping people mistakenly get ready to buy tickets on Wednesday, June 8, so they can score all the tickets when they really go on sale.

"Green Bay Porkers" and "Seattle Seahogs" were right there also.

That's who does the work of internet trolling for Trump, but that's not really who won him the election however(especially when you look at voting patterns by age/race). I doubt that the number of 4Chan voters is really high enough to swing a state. And a lot of older rural/suburban conservatives didn't go along

The funny thing is that the old conservatives that are the bread-and-butter of Trump's base and the biggest audience for conservative media would never even want to admit this guy exists. I don't think my Fox News-watching in-laws even know who Milo is, and if they saw him, they'd probably just make some homophobic

The tech billionaire will be played by Steven Seagal though, because it's The Expendables.

The only way I've seen the Expendables films is as inflight movies after a few drinks and then sort of only half paying attention. That's about what they're worth.

In this version Paulie's robot is the bad guy—he's taking American jobs!

Should just get the Red Army Choir to play.

E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, and Cord Meyer.