Tony Macaroni

Yeah, after I wrote that I realized my parents didn't even meet until like 1969 in actuality. They would've been in college dating other people at the time.

Yeah, in 1967 my parents were like "Wow, this is so much fun, let's never have kids!" Only took them 13 years to screw that one up.

Ow, we need the Funk,
We gotta have that Wagnall.

He had also his country phase with "Dear Mama Tried".

No band died off more suddenly than The Ramones, it was like a meteorite hit Planet Ramone and they went into extinction in a few years. Pretty sad.

Contrary to some reports and theories, a still alive and in hiding Tupac will not be showing up from exile in Cuba to attend the ceremony,. Though coincidentally he did a write and record a previously unreleased song in 1995 about getting admitted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame that also amazingly also references

Nerds?! Where? Let's get 'em!

That was only after the schism, prior to that it was DeNiro up there.

And just remember, this shitty year was when the economy was actually doing good, crime is still down in most cities, and the US wasn't involved in any major wars.

Just don't go to the Church of Scorceseans, you'll be so tired of hearing "Gimme Shelter" by the time they finish a service.

I'm a Reformed Jediist, our denomination has differing viewpoints about how the prequels fit into the overall canon of the series.

Where'd everyone's avatar go? What's going on, it's not even January 20th, and everything has already fallen apart.

No, that's the old club owner in Carlito's Way.

No, I believe Seeso was the Bolivian guy. Yes, that's the ticket.

Seeso was one of the rival drug lords to Tony Montana in Scarface.

Here's $200 million, go make another Star War.

You don't want to mess with those Assassins, ask the Templars about that…

He was good in that because he's basically playing asshole Jerry Lewis.

That would be a different movie though that wouldn't be based on the novel. Again, why would the film address those topics when that's not what Endo's book is about?