Tony Macaroni

So the book is written from a Japanese perspective of the author, though the protagonists and the narrator are all Portuguese Jesuits. The book isn't a criticism of Portuguese colonialism, it's basically a parable about faith written by a Japanese Catholic.

Have you even read the book?

The novel was written from the perspective of a Portuguese priest.

The Japanese novel it's based on isn't really about that at all though.

Movies based on video games have such a great track record, both at the box office and critically. I mean, remember classic beloved films like Wing Commander?

That show is canon right?

I think 1991 was a turning point for big action films—something like The Last Boy Scout was sort of the last of a breed of Shane Black-penned(or influenced) ultra-violent, cynical and sleazy late 80s/early 90s action flicks. There's just a meanness in a lot of those flicks(this includes the first two Robocops and

Well, looks like the budget for The Expendables 4 just got ten times bigger!

Nothing says Thousand Oaks elementary school function like the wife of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers drummer beating up Scott Baio.

Legal Gaming Facility
Criminal Youth Organizations of Manhattan

We've still got Staten Island…wait, scratch that, it's a dump.

"Glass? Soary about that."

"Just another Canadian who saw too much Hockey Night in Canada as a child? Another orphan of a polite culture who thinks he's Terry Fox? "Stompin' Tom" Connors? Don Cherry?"

She's too compassionate, probably overqualified also.

I believe your people call it corn.

In a Washington DC pizza parlor no less…

In Germany they have a different name for it, but yes.

Don't forget all those seasons of The Littlest Hobo.

It used to be on cable all the time when I was a kid years ago, and I never saw the whole thing, but the ending was corny as hell from what I could remember, sort of cringe-worthy. It had a whole 80s anti-nuclear weapons plot to it that probably seemed topical to them at the time but made the film seem instantly

Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The 2016 Election