Tony Macaroni

I had to look it up, but yeah, that show went from April to May 2001. I thought though it was another casualty of the post-9/11 patriotic correctness but it was over well before that.

I tell my kid, here's the story of how I met your mother—-booze, and lots of it!

Well, the marketing department still has tons of budget but R&D has been overspent for months.

"Good morning Britain, now piss off you wankers, the whole bloody lot of you!"

Well, I discovered cats before Andrew Lloyd Webber jumped on that bandwagon.

I Macy what you mean.

Aren't they both members of The Sense of Right Alliance?

Kids today still use the term hobos? That's strangely reassuring.

When I was a 6-year-old in the 1980s I was nostalgic for the 1960s—-or at least I thought I was after watching all my parent's baby boomer nostalgia.

Wait, which superhero universe is Captain Fantastic from? They're just making movies of every lesser known comic book these days, I've never even heard of this guy!

The Rebel base is a rundown hotel on 42nd Street right above Times Square sex shops.

"Return Of The Sith is the best of the Star War Prequels. I give it a D-"

You should see her do Sinatra, I would've sworn it was Ol' Blue Eyes himself.

I just saw the top photo initially and was like damn, Nicole Kidman does a hell of an Elizabeth Moss also.

You guessed it…Frank Stallone

Also his two other greatest foes, water pollution and over-fishing of the seas.

Nah, you're thinking of Staten Island.

Wants to visit a girl from the Norrland country.

Even poorly, rendered parodies arrive like butterflies
Oh, he don't know, so he downvotes them away

Pearl Jam already did that: