Tony Macaroni

Will if it's a Hit(ler), they might want to cash in with a couple more films.

Hopefully there's a sequel so we can figure out how this whole thing turned out.

Also, initially in the original trilogy the Emperor was supposedly inspired by Nixon.

"You know originally I wanted to make the character of Porkins a Latina, but the technology just didn't exist at the time." - George Lucas

And let's not forget the glass ceiling poor Admiral Ackbar had to deal with. By the time of the Force Awakens he still hadn't gotten a promotion in like thirty years!

Onetime at my local grocery I saw a woman with a shopping cart full of jumbo-sized bags of Cheetos and 3-liter bottles of orange soda (also some had fish sticks). I just imagined that this woman's innards must be completely colored orange at this point.

"We don't like to talk about that."

"I would've been the best Minuteman, I would've been killing Brits from Bunker Hill to Saratoga. I'd have the best and toughest patriots kicking redcoat ass over every one of the Thirteen Colonies and more. But it just wasn't my deal, I was like whatever."

I thought Davros was the town in Switzerland where the World Economic Forum holds their annual meetings?

Gentry was the guy on Game of Thrones who Davos put in the rowboat and we never saw again, right?

Armisen helped aid the final and complete gentrification of the entirety of inner Portland and now how has his sights set on Nashville and Louisvillle.

I believe that you want the guy behind the counter.

Well, he has to produce that next season of Celebrity Apprentice. And there's hotels to be opened.

I'm only in my 30s, but reading this headline and article makes me suddenly feel like a confused Grandpa Simpson-style geezer.

Maybe some loudmouthed rednecks won't show up either, win-win situation!

"When you're a Sith they let you do whatever you want, just Force grab them by the pussy."

This film will make $250 million opening weekend, no one cares.

You're closer to that age range, I'll trust your word on the subject.

I always thought you were a black guy who played cops.

I mean to legally work at a bar he must be a little older, I think you have to be 4 or 5 in my state.