Tony Macaroni

“I tried to be Superwoman, but I’m gonna not try anymore."

If you go soon, you can still get one of those limited vension burgers.

That would be a fun plot twist on next season of Westworld.

Time's 2017 Person of the Year: The Shit Sandwich

That burger looks like a shit sandwich.

Works every time.

"Mr. Murray, while we all find you hilarious, usually we don't accept surprise guests during open heart surgery."

Volume 4 by Black Sabbath is a hell of an album and somewhat underrated.

*Smashes steel chair on the back of @HulkHoganBrother's head*

Good one, I plan on Rabin some of these comments.

Sounds like a ringing endorsement.

Did they hire Paula Deen as a consultant?

Chewbacca knew though.

Those birds had it coming.

"I asked for Fancy Feast Gourmet, not this cheap Friskies pate. Get my agent Morrie on the line."

No, they just took over Internet comment sections.

The first time I saw Airplane! as a kid, I asked my mom who the girl group was that sung the song during the disco scene, and she was like, "No, that's the BeeGees, it's okay…they're Australian."

A lot of people just think of disco as post-Saturday Night Fever period with the disco craze of Disco Duck, Disco Beethoven, Disco Star Wars, aging 60s rockers doing disco songs, etc… The early disco scene and the underground disco genres that led into the DJs and producers who would be the bedrock of the house and

Also known as Public Image Ltd.

Yeah, but by the early 80s a lot of the first wave of punk rockers were playing their own version of disco.