Tony Kaye ⌨

I cannot find a cheap battery powered MP3 Player anywhere except for online. Wish I would have seen this sooner.

Can you email help at gawker dot com? We'll get this worked out for you asap.

Personal responsibility? You mean like wearing a chastity belt to bed just in case 2 assholes want to stick a toothbrush in your vagina? Yeah, I considered it but it sounds fucking stupid.

Like camera film?

Do you know how much he was paid for it? That's all I really want to know

Sam, I LOVED that picture of you 5 feet from Kanye West on Instagram last night. xo tony

Quite possible the timing is a coincidence.

No, it was Jerry Springer. His show went from serious violence to cut aways during violence to fake violence to IDK what.

The phone was worth how much? Say $1000 MAX, and what if it's GSM and he has Verizon? Would really like to see an interview with this guy and I'm betting someone out there will pay for it too.

I hate the basic umbrella design so much that I don't own one. But this gets a big thumbs up from me too. Also, if it were clear you could virtually cover yourself and never get wet OR bump into a wall/get hit by a car.

Regardless of contracts, shouldn't the bulk of this activity be illegal from MTV's position? Being witness to so many illicit & illegal things (not to mention RAPE WTF production assholes) isn't legal, no matter how many lawyers or contracts you have. I mean you sign a waiver when you go bunjee jumping but if the

That's my purse. I don't know you

Yes ma'am

How long until these reality shows are held accountable? They shouldn't be allowed to create an environment ripe for criminal behavior and be allowed to film it. Isn't that why Jerry Springer had to stop showing real fights on his show or something?

Thank you for this!

Mine is working 100% across all devices.

So it's AT&T taking the blame here or?

I got it right away. We're not all preverts.

nice. nice