What happened to you man? You used to be one hell of a model commenter. Now this? I am disappoint.
What happened to you man? You used to be one hell of a model commenter. Now this? I am disappoint.
Can you provide a link or source for this? Is this part of the click through story on the Shanghai Evening Post?
Stock image.
It's hard to get a job here right now - and in China there are 50x as many people and the conditions are much worst.
How about Coffee & Cigarettes? Or Ghost Dog?
Thank you!
What a terrible (and wrong) stereotype. I live in Minnesota and I'd use this for a 1995 Chevy Impala.
That's cool, but these people are obviously lying and/or foolish (or trolling or trying to be pretend ballers - like that "boss lady" chick).
Good point!
Yeah I actually helped get rid of those guys. I just didn't understand the context of your comment is all. Thanks for clearing it up.
That's some mighty fine gif making there. Hats off to you!
They do for the most part.
Art is anything and everything. If I take a screenshot of your comment and decide to frame it & put it on the wall of my home, I guarantee people would ask about it and allow it to marinate. Thus provoking thought and arriving to it's final destination which is..art.
What in thee hell are you talking about?
Would you believe that about 70% of the staff here use WP7 or other devices? I think 4 (total) editors have iPhones. Mac's, that's another story. But yeah, think what you will.
Explain the Galaxy S II copycat Safari default desktop background used in the commercials lambasting Apple? That's a perfect example of them doing this.
More difficult is just their fancy way of saying it's awful. Come on! Read between the lines a little. Of course they're not going to say it's "full of suck".
How is this false or exaggerated? Did you even click through to the source link?
Are you kidding? This is the internet and 2012. I want the iPhone 5 6 weeks ago and a flying car tomorrow.