
LeVar needs to be drug tested....long overdue

u live in China?

plan your exit strategy?

so wrong

more racism

such unobjective writing

what a fucking sorry excuse for journalism

Hannah must be a sleazebag, too

I’m unclear who the “fucking asshole” is? I’m guessin that it’s Drew

wow Iwonder from what news sources Steve Crockett Junior reads or watches

i think that this is sorta column that’s called “fake” news

what’s a white nationalist? And why is Bannon considered one?

Spicer> Earnest> Carney

I guess that this is the type of column that is referrred to as “fake news?”

Bill Bradley is so unobjective ...calling people racists. Perhaps he’s the racist?

I thought that the obama/clinton team lying about Benghazi was and is a way bigger transgression

Like him or hate him......One thing about Trump I feel that he is way more honest than the Obamas and Clintons

Breaking News: Hillary still can’t speak the truth

the author makes a strong case that Hillary musta been suffering from dimentia

Jay Carney was hilarious, too