A Silent Observer

Her past songs about haters (Shake it Off, Mean, Blank Space) worked because she was taking other people to task about their own bullshit, and it was valid. This falls flat because this time she’s the one that needs to account for their bullshit. Instead of offering an explanation, she just tries to misdirect with

* ashamed that I Googled the above comment to see if it was true*

Yeah, it took a few episodes to find its stride, for sure, but after that, whoa. It’s consistently one of the smartest, cleverest, funniest, and darkest shows I watch. It isn’t for everyone, but if you can handle questioning your entire self-worth over and over while watching anthropomorphic animals and humans

The pilot is bad, but the series course corrects as early as episode 2. I was a fan right from the start and was really confused by the critical reaction,it seemed like none of the reviews at the time (and to a large extent, the audience reaction) went deeper than that pilot.

I remember the contemporary reviews absolutely brutalized the first couple episodes. I admit it stumbled a bit out of the gate, and I’ve never liked to accuse a writer of not “getting” a piece of entertainment as a means of justifying my own enjoyment. But man, the AV Club just did not get Bojack at all in the

I think it’s ok until the chorus. That’s one of the worst chorus/hooks I’ve heard in a long time.

Paradoxically, every time a Joker movie is announced, it spawns two MORE Joker movies.