Tony Blundetto

Yes, I read that paragraph of ass covering. It changes nothing - he’s still pushing the Saudi/Trump narrative, and he’s still distastefully using important issues like slavery and migrant abuse to complain about his favorite team losing a player.

It’s already bad enough that deadspin’s soccer coverage amounts to billy’s personal barca blog, but this is actually distasteful. Now this ignorant child is given a platform to carry water for the Saudis?

It has been widely reported that the distribution of free tickets has declined to a huge degree over the course of MLS’s history. I’m not going to look that up for you.

People from Indiana are known as Hoosiers, and have been since the 70s, when Bobby was coaching at IU and women all over campus would nervously scream “Who’s here?!?!?” every time they heard a door open, worried it might be Knight. It was shortened to “Hoosier” after Coach Knight caught on to what they were up to and

Honestly, nobody gives a shit. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go back to watching Michael Phelps race a shark.

Texas should get around to repealing ownership of human beings.

Pretty sure there’s an unwritten rule somewhere about pretending to be a priest so you can have a burial for a teammates glove. I hope McCann gets plunked in his next at bat.

But according to The Root, we’re supposed to be rooting for Mayweather because McGregor is a racist. What do we do now?

I gotta say, I really do love that people are taking you seriously. Well done +1

Big talk from a guy who’s entire race nearly got wiped out by a lack of fries.

I call bullshit on this story. There’s no way Joe Buck has a friend.

Marcus Rashford’s classmates need to get a hold of themselves.

I thought Australians were supposed to be good at insults

Why is the top photo from their game against Penn State?

The funniest line in this post was “Additional reporting by Tom Ley.”

“they gave”? You think the challenger can’t pick his shoes?

So, what aspects of their game should current NBA players work on this summer to get better? Because right now, GSW and Cleveland are Goku and Vegeta, and the other teams are the rest of the Z fighters. And they need to train hard. Drastically boost their power levels.

“Michigan is as recognized academically”