Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people.
Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people.
Yes, because tying your shoes and having a deep understanding of how home ownership tax credits effects people outside of your income stratosphere or how the gun lobby suppresses data is the same thing.
Man does good thing. Blog that agrees with his conclusions mocks him anyways.
Given that his preferred destination is the Lakers, it is safe to say he’s had it with middling teams and wants to graduate to perennial 11th seed lottery recipient shitholes.
In other words, the Cardinals lost.
“Camps? I think he meant centers.” - Sean Spicer
That quote is an all timer.
you do realize you’ve morphed into Bill Simmons, right?
“Is that an NCAA thing or a Georgetown thing?”
Is 2017 the year Deadspin writes nice articles about the Cardinals or something? I do not like this new Deadspin.
How about Rom’s effort all game was subpar, as was his decision making. When his first touch is crap and he’s having trouble creating changes, he should be making up for that with effort. He wasn’t giving enough when there was a game to win and it doesn’t matter if you’re Zi-fucking-dane if you’re not trying, let…
I think CBS sports nationally broadcasts his and Boomer/bald shrimp’s shows, if only to give us in the heartland a glimpse of the living hell somebody with only radio as a media delivery system has in NYC. I think 80% of daytime programming with sports networks is just simulcasts/re-broadcasts of extremely…
This afternoon, two broadcasters employed by NBA teams (the Bulls and Pacers) announced that they had lost their votes, and that team-employed broadcasters wouldn’t allowed to vote this year.
You seem mad. France is lovely.
The shirt combined with his expression: “My dad born me and trained me to make me into a marketable product. You can see my product label on my chest. I’m an investment he made, and he wants to see the investment pay off.”
Drugs can be a difficult habit to kick so we understand why he hasn’t sought your advice.
I’ve never been a UM fan, but now I kind of want them to win the national title in the hope that Harbaugh would get invited to the White House and tear Trump a new asshole as the cameras are filming the ceremony.