Tony Blundetto

This is the kind of article I expect to see on another site, then come to Deadspin to see them shit on it. Seeing so many people pick apart a 20-year-old dropping 70 points in an NBA game is absurd. Folks are really highlight truthering and policing the joy of a kid.

Items on Joe Paterno’s latest expense report.

And less e-sports nonsense

I’ve been coming to this site too long. I was waiting for the kid to get injured or a drunk adult to steal the ball.

- @gehrig38

If we’re going to shit on anyone who has a change of heart on social issues and question their motives, can we just admit that we’re more concerned with performative righteous indignation than in making the world better?

Credit where it’s due - Tim Hardaway Sr has had what appears to be a genuine change of heart, and has actually strongly supported gay rights and marriage equality over the last several years.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

That Neymar take is terrible. Truly.

im rthe rat from the video

Unpopular opinion: Flying is actually an incredible value given that the above-mentioned flying greyhound bus can put you anywhere in the country in a handful of hours and just about anywhere in the world in less than a day. Obviously it would be nice if it were cheaper and more comfortable, but still.

“Oh great so I gotta start off extra innings with some dude clogging up the base path in front of my hitters? Not on your life dude.” Dusty Baker

I give her credit for effort and originality, but she’s still got a ways to go yet before she’s competing in the big leagues.

Is this the movie poster for Rocky IV Loko?

He’s like the Sean Spicer of the NBA.

Now playing

I was a really good competitive chess player until I was eleven and a half years old and started freaking out and just couldn’t deal with it anymore. (True.) By that age, of course, I was never gonna be elite anyway (also true).

So they really line up,mostly, young black men shirtless and judge them on their bodies to see if they’re fit to work for them?

Frank Mason III, Mitch Lightfoot, Lagerald Vick, Tucker Vang, Josh Jackson, Carlton Bragg