america is a fucked up horrible place but there are far worse out there. there are child soldiers being fed cocaine in africa and south america and institutionally sponsored slavery in qatar and UAE. keep things in perspective my guy
america is a fucked up horrible place but there are far worse out there. there are child soldiers being fed cocaine in africa and south america and institutionally sponsored slavery in qatar and UAE. keep things in perspective my guy
I thought his favourite team was Arsenal? it’s tough to keep track, it changes every summer
I know this point has been made but a fun thought experiment is how different would we think of Jose Fernandez if he survived the crash but his two friends didn’t. he’d be sitting in a jail cell right now, right?
LaMelo isn’t even that highly rated of a recruit, right?
pitchfork has never had hard-hitting investigative reporting. I say this as a daily reader going back 6 years
pretty damning that twitter users have to be told to watch an 8 second video to the end
she sure is proud of that masters degree
you never break your co-workers balls?
first e-sports now this? stop giving coverage to sports no one cares about
serious. how does deadspin keep giving this guy articles, he’s an embarrassment to all american soccer fans
I’ve been a year round resident of the jersey shore most of my life so I feel pride in this sort of stuff too, but the tacky t shirt capital of the US is key west. and it’s not even remotely close
how much do you weigh now? I’m in my early 20s and am similarly tall (though not AS tall) and skinny (though way skinnier) and am worried about the day I won’t be able to eat whatever I want anymore
watching the end of Forrest Gump
it’s more to prevent anomalously long games from happening. the Yankees-Rays game on saturday was 9 innings and took 3 hours 45 minutes, that shouldn’t be happening
he had to replace Howard as deadspin’s in house Arsenal Ultra cosplayer
he’d also probably be a red piller, yuck
nothing to add but you’d love this doc (if you haven’t already seen it)
what about the packing caused problems? I moved a lot when I was younger and my parents are divorced, I never thought they might be a connection
as a democrat who has consistently and unwaveringly hated cops his entire life I resent this comment
most people grow out of being a contrarian edgelord by the time they’re 16