Good question.
Good question.
It’s deeply disturbing how violent people are becoming. It doesn’t matter if you’re left wing, right wing, white, black, brown, etc.. I strongly disagree with doxxing and going after people to destroy their reputations and their jobs. Some may be truly fucked in the head - I’ll give you that. But you DON’T know…
N0, I wouldn’t say it’s going too far. These idiots have decided to parade their faces publicly supporting white supremacy and bigotry. This isn’t stopping their freedom of speech, they’ve already exerted it by parading like jackasses. Freedom of speech doesn’t stop you from suffering the repercussions of how people…
I tend to agree. Their speech and actions are disgusting and they are dangerous. BUT. Doxxing carries the risk of inadvertently outing the wrong person and can also drag in innocent family and friends. It’s not likely to encourage them to change their minds – it’s more likely to do the opposite, in fact.
Read this. Seriously.
I haven’t read the replies to you, but I’m sure someone must have pointed out that the right to free speech ends at hate speech. Alternatively, your speech is protected from government action, like arrest of fines. So it’s not protected from consequences brought to you by other private individuals.
They showed up at a public rally and publicly supported it in public with their real face and identity. They outed themselves.
I’m tired of seeing this summarized as “a statue.” This isn’t just some random statue, it’s a memorial to a white supremacist slaver that led an open rebellion against the US and murdered thousands of Americans to preserve the right to dehumanize and enslave black people.
Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights.
It’s Gizmodo. What can you expect from them? They’re still arguing about whether or not that Google memo was ‘sexist’ or not.
1) This isn’t a free speech issue. The government isn’t preventing them from speaking.
I am a fan of how Germany handles neo-nazis or any use of articles or activities related to nazism- zero tolerance. Even Chinese and American tourists aren’t given a break, as headlines have indicated this week. Chinese tourists got arrested for giving a nazi salute for a photo opportunity and an American got the shit…
The government isn’t censoring their right to free speech—hell the government is condoning it. So free speech, check!
It would be funny if I wasn’t legit having that exact same conversation over on Gizmodo.
[reads each word of the post]
Your right to privacy (this isn’t a free speech issue, numbnuts) ends when you parade your idiocy in public.
“Welcome to the Department of Justice!”
“Why were you fired from your last job?”