heh google Amway
heh google Amway
well, the Matrix Reloaded is stupid
Machine Pistol
Anus Lubricatus!
Jezebel is Beto a dead horse
or pop a boner
lol just play Stalker instead
that dumbass robot looked like VR, what disappointment
maybe having a distended asshole is healthier?
umm, duh, nukes would be launched in desperation, like everyone said before you.
plus, China’s leader has a keen nose for the honey
looks like pilot / autopilot is making things worse by overcorrecting.
let’s all change our Steam IDs to XiThePooh
The “1%” is people who make over $400,000 a year, doctors, lawyers etc. You meant the “0.01%”
Black guy murdered five people because he was fired. Nothing on The Root.
he loved her, but he also liked dick
that last pic is nightmare fuel
is wearing black dick face OK though?
I’d rather the FBI targeted mega-churches and cults