there should be a monument to all the semen I cruelly splattered on the tub walls.
there should be a monument to all the semen I cruelly splattered on the tub walls.
To be fair, until you realize the challenges of setting up a new automated production line you can lambast all you want, your opinion doesn’t matter.
It’s already got the lack of Matt Damon going for it.
WW Season 1 got very meh about halfway through. Right around that chick that couldn’t act that played the improbably young boss came along.
does slapping a female Lieutenant’s ass at the Bahrain
Officer’s Club New Year’s party count as fighting in the Gulf?
anyone involved with TED talks is not a smart person
because as all startup CEOs he is an immature stunted little prick
lol did they pay you? game is shite
you absolutely have to be a psychopath to be a startup CEO
even though I lead an army of magical creatures in my totally real kingdom, I choose to unwind with HoM&M
this is what I call deeply closeted
graphics don’t seem much better than FC3, are the system requirements similar?
how are FC5's system requirements compared to FC3?
he probably used his own dick and it was consensual
At the very least he’ll be passover for promotion.
ahh the slave gets a longer leash
Both SpaceX and Tesla are shit places to work at.
but they would have to guarantee safety to the security guard families, etc....might become unmanageable . And even so, after they are all holed up somewhere and the world has ended, the most ambitious security guard will probably take over and kill the billionaire.
looks like an aged white “hot felon” clone