
fuck that, a catamaran is way better

can’t wait for stories of HW’s bitch days in prison

if it was a white guy, they would have used a gun and killed hundreds

well, since they are less effective than guns, I still think guns should be regulated

how’s the Midwest these days?

it’s no hate crime to insult gay for pay

there is no such thing as a polyamorous relationship,

shocker! haha - fuck everyone in Hollywood, they knew this guy likes them young and probably enabled him.

is #3 dead or is she still fucking him while #2/4 watches?

last part sounds pretty realistic right now:

so? he’s not hindering the real Republicans by much since they passed the tax bill

that’s why PornHub needs a news ticker!

yeah but I don’t think it will work for him this time. nobody cares about WH dismissals anymore

like a little bitch , you forgot 1942 PAW

wouldn’t this be a great way to breach the DMZ by putting a nuke in a car and pretending to drive to freedom?

Trump also said about Erdogan: “Atta-turk!”

Ataturk be rolling in his grave so much, they’re building a power plant in the middle of Ankara!

look at those jowls ....

PTSD or syphilis from all those Saigon sweethearts? Let’s face it, we’ll never know