
"There was a scene between Buffy and me in a church, and I think I ended up draping myself over a cross." You think, James!!? That scene is indelible in my mind: "Can we rest now?" Heartbreaking.

You might try Netflix Australia, find some way of seeing if they have it on Instant Watch. Barring that, it's on YouTube. I have no issues telling you that since there is no DVD.

Phil McCausland, thanks for this piece on Terriers. It's always good to see something that keeps the show alive in hearts and minds, and allows newbies to discover it for the first time. However, I take bittersweet issue with the fact that nowhere to be found is mention of Tim Minear, an extremely important part of

Yeah, Aquarius has some good atmosphere, and Duchovny. Gethen Anthony captures the psycho within, but Manson on his best day never looked like that, and it's more than a little bit unsettling the show seems to be putting forth a romanticized image of a charismatic lothario, rather than what he really was; a coward

On homophobia, family interrelationships, adultery, religious prejudice, racism, bigotry, hatred towards anyone who is different from the "norm". Have you seen each season ?!?!?

I think anyone can read anything into … anything, so I view this critique as extremely wrong-headed. But I'll agree to disagree. I view AHS as not only important social commentary, but it is hugely entertaining, and like a multi-faceted jewel, you can turn it over and over to look at and ponder its multitude of

There is something about watching Reality TV that's very embarrassing. I call it the I Love Lucy effect, when you know she is about to do one of her harebrained stunts and you just can't bear to watch because somehow the embarrassment of what she is doing transmits itself to you. But it's even worse than that, when

I'm not aware of a backlash, other than people are saying here and there on the 'Net, there is one, and I saw this article at Jezebel, "Dear Johnny Depp, You are Ruining Everything and Breaking My Heart". That I do find bizarre, not your piece, Jesse. The idea that fan girls of his can't deal with the fact that as,

While the villain may have seemed banal in his reveal to some viewers, the overhanging dread which permeated every episode, coupled with the two detectives, then ex-detectives' relationship, the great writing, made this show soar for me. I never thought it was anywhere close to ridiculous. In some ways, I much

JRM is a completely underrated actor; it is amazing to me he started out in the business as a model. My opinion of him changed when I saw Woody Allen's Match Point. I'm glad this role gave him a challenge because IMO, he was wasted in The Tudors. I used to talk with Cole Haddon once in awhile at MySpace when he was

Are you sure it isn't Pony Express?

Is there some light to be shed on what happened between the Trinity season and this one?  Showrunner change, writing staff?  I agree with every comment I've read about this season being lackluster.  They need to borrow from the courage and risk-taking very much apparent in American Horror Story and reinvent the show

I'm glad you liked it - I thought Danson was very strong.  I'd read a little bit about the D.B. character before the premiere episode.  He may have an agenda, but I didn't get the impression he was out to shred the team on behalf of Eckley.  It seemed like he was running interference a bit because of Eckley.  He had a