Tony Kaye fanboy

I was wondering when they released the iPad2 whether or not they would be able to sustain a yearly upgrade cycle with the iPad. There are only so many improvements you can shove into a $500 rectangle.

I was thinking the same thing, the issue has seen a resurgence because of the Siri thing.

That is a difficulty with rape, "she wanted it" vs "stop it." it truly he said vs she said.

The funny thing is IE9 is actually good. I personally have started using IE a little bit more since 9 came out.

Not really, he hasn't come in for questioning before. He left the country and is fighting going back.

So should we do away with our entire legal system? Or just allow those with the means to run avoid any possible ramifications for their actions?

They are going about this in the most legal way possible. Just showing up in another country where you have no legal jurisdiction would be way worse than working through the proper channels like they are doing.

Is that what happens when you are asked to come in for questioning? It has never happened to me personally, but I do know people that it has, in none of those cases it took a month.

Then he will not be charged. If he did nothing wrong then he should be fine, why fight it? Just go answer the questions and get on with your life. Guilty people run.

The US has way more pull with the U.K. than with Sweden. This case doesn't set any precedent, this isn't the first case of extradition for sexual assault in Europe.

I frequently bounce between reading devices, just this past thursday I read a library book through the kindle app on my touchpad(before bed), my Arrive(at the DMV), Chrome(lunch break on the work laptop), and the stand alone kindle app on my macbook(evening). It isn't everyday, but I definitely does happen.

In wholesale the terms shipped and sold are interchangeable, because after the product is shipped/sold you have very limited access to the numbers.

If you manufacture and sell 1m tablets to Best Buy then you have sold 1m tablets, if no end users buy them Best Buy wouldn't buy the next lot you manufacture. Apple using the term sold doesn't mean sold to end users any more than Motorola using the term shipped does.

Manufactured isn't the same as shipped. But shipped is the same as sold.

Even cooler, Freddy Jackson sipping a milkshake in a snow storm

Really, you are going down the shipped vs sold road? notice the linked article didn't make that mistake, because that is just the arguments of fanboys that don't know any better.

huh, [] you can do that for yourself today if you would like to

it is a better timeline than this vapor. and it will be more like 2-5 months as the beta program hasn't started rolling out to participants yet.

Apple isn't listening to the Pad/Pod Touch

There was a reason jobs took a $1 salary, and it wasn't a show of piety.