Tony Bullard Jr

@volvieras: So you'd rather not even have an option to get an upgrade? This is Windows'l be 3 years before they change a thing on that phone.

Fine by me. I'm running 2.2 anyways.

Dropbox won't work. I'm moving around files that are minimum 1Gig, and often 6 to 12 gigs. I can't rely on something that has to sync to the cloud.

@corypina: Not fun, but they make great alarm clocks.

Is there a service that will speed test your FTP from different places around the country?

Is there a way to make a network shortcut on a mac, so that if I drop a file into one folder on Mac 1, it will send that file over the network to specific folders on Mac 2 and 3, and PC 1?

My captivate pulled a boot loop. I'll just stay away from this one.

OK, I've got a PC and an Xbox 360. and XBMC on an old AppleTV.

Is there a way to look up every app I've ever downloaded from the Android Market?

@3elevenX: Simple, hackers take apart your door, remove the lock, and put the door back in place. You only have four keys to your house, but that doesn't matter because the hackers removed the lock.

This may seem like a stupid question, but it's more about an available feature than it is the science of video.

@Mickets: I forget every week.

@infmom: I've always wondered if it'd be tacky to ask that my fiends give me money, so I could pool it to buy the expensive thing I want...

@AlexJAnder: Dropbox is great for this. You get a little pop up bubble whenever a file is updated. It won't work if you want to edit the doc at the same time as someone else though.

I use a lot at work. I use the free version, which does everything I need, but has a few annoying hindrances, like passwords and the semi-nagware of making you press more buttons than you need to (select computer, then you have to select "remote control" rather than just going right to it. )

VOTE: SubSonic.

@jumpo64: It's not "he." It's "they." A LOT of people put a lot of hard work into Cyanogen. That's why it's so awesome.

@Lawnmower16: Root and ROM. Eliminate the fear! Open up your gear!

@G_A: Problem is I could NEVER remember the correct coding for it.