Tony Bullard Jr

@vinod1978: So the man can keep you down.

@luckycharms: I run both on my AppleTV. Boxee has great web integration, but the media library is dismal compared to XBMC. I have access to both, but use XBMC 99% of the time.

This gives me the hope of a future with one app that has the media library goodness of XBMC, with the web content goodness of Boxee.

What's the best way to go at this from scratch? Should I look for compatible processors, then work my way down? or start on mother boards and then find the best compatible processor from there?

My wife and I are struggling with teaching our 3yo son the whole "people shouldn't touch you there" thing, while at the same time not having him freak out when the TSA decides to do just that...

My browser is always open, so Meebo just makes the most sense.

What a sausage fest. I miss Gina.

There's a mistake in the second paragraph. You put "in paying for access to on-demand TV streaming "

@TheOtherHalf: My probaly with that is that I HATE the idea of having "" Just seems to redundant.

Downside: It ONLY lives in your Navigation bar. So if you use Tiny Menu or the like, and have moved everything off and hidden your navigation bar, using this would require you unhide it again.

@chrismoke: You ever watch Postal? The first half is freaking hysterical. The second half gets weird.

I liek stressing the whole "be to the point" but I think the whole five sentences thing is over kill. I already have clients who leave out important information...I don't need them trying to leave out even more.

@Geisrud: Why? It's not annoying if they include "EOM". If you see EOM, don't open it...

@SQLGuru: You know, you can't blame people. When a company's tag line is "It Just Works." times like these are nearly impossible to not rub it in.

@xkl: Yep. There's a find duplicates function.

@Johann Schmidt: I'm no expert, but I've built several computers

@xkl: MediaMonkey. It won't automatically do it for you, but it's

I'm currently running Subsonic on my PC at home to serve up my