Tony Bullard Jr

@meseta: Holy crap! How did you rig that up?

For the same reason it's good we have more than just Best Buy.

Is it smaller? I never understood why, while other, more fully featured twitter apps are under a Meg, the official app is something like 4 Megs on my phone. This matters on my old G1.

@← (: The more screens I have on my desk, the cooler I feel.

This simply isn't true for my job. My job is full of real time processing that requires me to do nothing for minutes at a time, while a computer crunches away. Because I multitask, I'm able to do other things in those otherwise wasted minutes.

Thank goodness. I'm so tired of seeing "changes listed at" at the bottom of app descriptions.

@calpaully: my thoughts exactly. You don't change everything about how people do something and then ask them to pay for it right up front.

24 Hours isn't enough time to get used to a whole new input method, to see if it works for you. They really need a trial.

@Smash Bro: I like the new Netflix...does that count?

I would love to try this, but I'm not going to spend 2 bucks on the hopes that I MIGHT like it.

When I was a kid I thought dragonflies bit. In boy scouts I got stuck on a land bridge surrounded by a huge swarm of them, sobbing my eyes out, only to be retrieved by someone's dad and informed that they, in fact, do NOT bite.

Personally, I'd pay more for that ESPN app to go away. It makes me have to push "Right" one extra time to get to Netflix. Booooo.

The vote Easy web app is awesome.

I have a crappy connection, so it's nice to have the app load and know that it's pulling the UI images and whatnot off the internal drive, rather than downloading all the all the time. Not to mention any locally stored data.

@KamWrex: I agree. I'd also love to avoid my 3year old son seeing all the horrific covers of the horror movie's I've queued up.

@Gregsaw: is an awesome website. They also have a wonderful new "Vote Easy" webapp that makes it so easy a 3rd grader could figure out who best fits their political leaning.

I'm currently running Subsonic on my PC at home to serve up my entire music library anyone that has web (Take that cloud services!) I want to run TVersity at the same time, to serve up my video media the same way. I tried this once before, but found the two services conflicted with each other. I imagine is has

@smi1ey: I guess you haven't seen the big counter on the spotlight page of your Xbox dashboard.