Tony Bullard Jr

@sammouth: I don't think that's his message at all. His message is "don't get blinded by the need for a 'dream job' and miss out on enjoying what you're doing now."

This post is so topical to my current situation it's not even funny.

@bdinger: It really depends on your taste in music. I personally enjoy super cool underground bands that no one's ever heard of (sarcasm) so much of my favorite music isn't on Zune. They have a 14 day free trial...see if you can find all the music you like.

@bdinger: I agree with Freedom, make sure you NEED that stuff. Then find a good way to pack it. roll up wires and rubberband them, etc. Even if it's a lot of stuff, having it packed neatly will help you feel less like you're carrying a bag o junk.

@Hasteur: My son is a T-rex, his little brother is a hatching dino egg, and I will be a paleontologist.

Running this now on my G1 Dream. I'm normally not a sucker for the placebo "it's faster!" claims, but this is definitely an improvement over 6.0.

@TRT-X: I'm very cheap. VERY cheap. It took me 4 years to convince myself to get an Xbox 360. I think this game is worth 15 bucks.

Everything in that quote sounded right on. If it's worth the money, we'll make it and sell it to you, if not, why waste the time and money making it?" Sounds perfectly fine for me.

@hexidethoth: Your Revo still allows you to watch video on TV Network websites.

How sad is it that even the most excited people still quickly follow up with "as long as they don't go crazy and censor it?"

@Saudrapsmann: They call software "apps" because it makes people think they're something different. I can't tell you the amount of people who thought that the iPhone invented the entire concept of downloaded code that could execute operations not provided by the operating system. Apps is now a sales term. People

@datdamonfoo: Typical internet hate: I can't point to specific issues. Except for networking. Vista has made what was a fairly happy OSX/Win XP/Win 7 network become a frustrating mess.

@Gargus: Isn't that the idea? Zombies don't "fit" in anywhere. If you walked outside and there were zombies, you wouldn't say, "This is fitting."

I jumped from XP to Win7, and love it. About a week ago I had to install Vista on a PC, and have hated it the whole time.

Didn't Jobs say Netbooks are a waste of time and everyone really wants an iPad? Then he releases an 11inch laptop?

Will it have that high frequency snap, and then that warm, crackling cool down sound too?

See? This is a great example of how a singular, integrated apps market gives you more quality apps.

@mintycrys will Vanquish you!: That's funny, I open the curtains, turn on all the lights, and play Jesus music just to keep me un-scared enough to play Alan Wake.

"As a user, I prefer to sacrifice the superficial and truly horrible customization that all these phones offer—or rather, inflict on the user—in favor of a single approach, like Apple or Microsoft's."

@Nulls: A katana require you to be awfully close to a zombie to kill it...