Tony Bullard Jr

I agree completely except that I genuinely think it is ugly. And I find it funny that you say it's beautiful, but you also say the giant bezel is ugly. Not sure how something where 30% of the face is ugly can still considered beautiful.

@vinylrake: But it's not an eReader. The eReader market has been so slow to grow because they've taken time and money to perfect e-ink screens. They did that for a reason. Book readers don't want to stare at a LCD screen for hours on end. You can't just pretend no one needs a different screen for long reading

@franco1975: OK, fine, but how does that make THIS product good?

@raines.joshua: So you're saying that you'd be happy with your Verizon contract if your phone was gigantic and able to run apps?

@Doomstalk: You really think it's pretty? I think it looks squat, and that huge bezel makes it look cheap.

@jeramia: But then you'd need to hook it up to Speakers too...might as well just have a netbook in your kitchen.

@baldheadeddork: Best comment I heard was someone say, "10 Hour battery? can I get that technology on my iPhone?"

I said there was no tablet market when they had them all over CES (and no one cared) and I still say there's no tablet market. Ignoring the huge holes the iPad has (no flash, no camera, etc) even if it were greart I still just don't think anyone has any real use for this. Yes, someone will find a use for it, and

@Phoshi: Flash is still a huge part of the web. Yes, HTML5 is pushing the need for Flash Video back, but it's going to be a while before that's widely adopted, meaning most sites will fall back to the standard of Flash.

I'm sorry, if anyone else came out with a product they claimed to be "the best internet browsing you've ever experienced" and didn't include Flash support, they'd be laughed off the stage.

@pulpinator: No, each size has 3G availabe for an extra $130

@Buster Friendly: Except it's not even that. It's a novelty oversized iPod Touch.

I'm waiting with baited breath to see what features he crams into the G1 Cyanogen.

@Buster Friendly: I'm sure it does. However, I've never been all that interested in a home server, as I've never needed to have access to file between computers (and even so, I'd just network those two computers together)

@Buster Friendly: Holy crap. Backup. Of course. Why have I never thought of that before?

@GuimiAlfaro: I have a text file I save in mydocs specifically for open thread questions.

@jupiterthunder: I delete them. On rare occasion I might keep something, but the likelihood I'll ever go back and watch is pretty low. If I really loved the show, I'd buy the DVD for the extra features and whatnot, but I rarely love a show that much (Firefly was the last show deemed that important.)

@e-gadgetjunkie: Yeah, Radio Shack would be the easy/expensive place. Fry's if there's one in your area.

@UnderLoK: Same here. It seems like a great app for the guy who made it. But if you're interested in seeing stuff from things he's no incorporated, it quickly becomes not so useful.