Tony Bullard Jr

Thanks for the android coverage? I'll check this out.

@mike_311: OK, hold on. You son "don't waste your time...wait" That doesn't make sense.

I was trying this, and had little success. I want the beta so bad. It's awesome on my PC. Of course, a lot of the best functionality will be weak on the ATV (flash streaming is clunky, and no netflix.)

@forloop: Why is it "extreme" to travel with a gun?

VOTE: snapfish

@SpriteMV: I agree completely. I put XBMC on my AppleTV and used an android app for it, which is an incredible app, with access to your music and movie libraries, etc. It's got a ton more functionality than any remote every could. However, tapping a touch screen almost always requires you to look at it, which is

Anyone else think Depp looks like Elijah Wood in that makeup?

I don't know what it is, but I love Western games. I'm not a fan of western movies...but I loved red Dead Revolver.

You appear to have a "Share picture Via" Evernote entry in your G1. How? From what I can tell there's no Android Evernote app yet.

@Tony Bullard Jr: And listening all the way through the sample song, it's not even very good. It's just a straight cover, nothing creative or interesting. This is literally one step above downloading midi files.

8 songs? Meh.

@Helba: I came here to say this.

@NaomiHelle: I've always wanted to set up something that wakes me up with a gradual increase in volume. Rather than waking up startled by an alarm, waking up slowly as the volume increases...I imagien that would be awesome.

No one else thinks it's weird that there's more Vista users than all mac users combined? That doesn't seem right to me. Then again I work in the production industry, so my life is heavy on the mac side compared to most.

I don't have a net ready phone, so I just called my friend. We went through price comparisons and even user reviews before I found the right TV. Doing this I realized I could get the same TV for the same price, without any shipping charges from Amazon, and since it was over the net, I saved around 90 bucks in sales