
Why are you like this?

Finally my Sarek pon farr fanfic has a chance at becoming canon.

Anyone else read Goatse in the headline and think Gotye?

I share your concern. In and of themselves those things not being available at launch may not be fatal, but coupled with the influx of new readers from the other Kinja sites they just might be a deathblow to the community we all know and love.

Well, it's not merely about *depicting* slavery or Nazism. I think it's pretty important to depict those two things, actually. We're talking about depicting them in the context of an alternate history. I think the author's point here was that there is a much lower risk of a person in America right now tuning into an

TBH can we have your what if the Civil War devolved into an international clusterfuck alternate history show? Cause I'd watch the hell out of that.


I think you'll find that if you read the article this point is addressed.

Have you tried not sexually assaulting people?

Honestly this review just kinda made me want to watch the show. It might be the world's first example of praising with faint damnation.

A good point, I'm not sure how he would wriggle out of that. But the show this season has hardly missed an opportunity to have Cersei mention how confidant she feels about her trial by combat. It seems like too good an opportunity to miss to have it play out at all as she expects. I guess Sandor showing up and kicking

I totally disagree with the sentiment that the show has "absolutely set up trial by combat now." The only thing the show has set up is that Cersei absolutely expects there to be a trial by combat. She's the only one that has ever mentioned it and she hasn't demonstrated much aptitude for being able to predict what

I came for a discussion of montage theory. You can't fool me, Teti, I took Intro to Film Analysis; Lighting is mise en scène— mise en scène I say! I demand a refund.

The fans.

That ad is literally next to your comment in my browser.

I always feel honored when I make someone blow it on me. Especially when it's something this cheap and infectious.

Stapp me if you've heard this one before, but…

The official tie-in novelization suggests, "…when you want to rule the town."