
“Hmm, yes, let’s ignore the president of the United States, that’ll stop him.”

Oh great. Now you’re hounding me about that shit, too.

Sounds like a guy contemplating moving in with his girlfriend

I like Katie, but suspect I would not like her as much if it was five times as often.

They crossed out “wine” in the school Bibles. They now tell the story of Jesus turning water into juice.

Man, ask a guy to give you the number of an escort and he gets all pissy…

This is one time when SEO didn’t want to be found out.

Amishspin did a similar piece entitled “Wow! Look Upon Colby Rasmus’s Beard, And Ovulate.”

I love the idea that if we tax billionaires we will lose their largesse. We would cut off the pearls that dribble from their lips down upon us mere mortals. Wither the art museums? Wither the ice rinks?

Cutler is making elite QB money

“And speaking as a golfer, who goddamn really cares about how much golf these guys play?”

How come you wrote Obama’s middle name but not Trump’s? That’s really stumping me.

Neither this post nor I have made any suggestion that “Obama’s golf is less offensive than Trump’s.” Why are you trying to shift the goalposts? Is it because you look stupid and you want to change the subject?

Right. $3.6 million for a golf weekend is a LOT. Now imagine someone doing that EVERY FUCKING WEEKEND like Trump is doing.

Let’s see, 333 rounds over eight years, that’s 42 annually if we round up. Trump is at, what, minimum 30 so far? Yup, definitely comparable.

You mean the mainstream media that told you exactly how many rounds of golf Obama played?

Found the life of the party

Morons. They were playing Kentucky.

Just a sampling of how many times that out of shape shitgibbon bitched about Obama golfing.