A lawsuit will never happen. Donald Trump would have to be interviewed under oath during discovery.
A lawsuit will never happen. Donald Trump would have to be interviewed under oath during discovery.
Please note two spaces after each period. DISQUALIFIED FOREVER.
He also does this shit all the time. He’s constantly shitting on the contestants’ stories. As well he should. They’re always terrible.
Are you sure you weren’t on American Choppers?
I heard Alex Trebek wants you to say that to his face.
I was on Jeopardy about 10 years ago. He’s short and too tan and wears sleeveless shirts to eat lunch. Real fucking jabroni.
Sorry, Patrick, the correct title was “What is Alex Trebek Hilariously Shits On Jeopardy! Contestant And Her Whole Crew For No Reason”.
See, I’m sure it’s informative, but then I’d have to listen to Malcolm fucking Gladwell.
“First of all, [Donald Trump] has no game”
-Clare Malone, Fivethirtyeight
How is it a guy who’s a BILLIONAIRE(allegedly) has to force himself on women and fantasize about his daughter to get his rocks off. Hell, I’m a dollarnaire and haven’t had to strong-arm anyone for sex. I guess he’s just a social outcast who happens to be rich.
Everyone is criticizing him for ‘every little step’ and I say to them ‘don’t be cruel’.
It’s his prerogative. Or something .....
This is all the more heartbreaking because, damn, look at his posts. He’s basically begging somebody, anybody, to come and stop him, tell him they love him, whatever. His heart clearly wasn’t into it. He just hit a wall. I know what that’s about.
You boys need anything while you’re here? Some reds? Yellows? Just got some purples in from Peru.
His remains will be a skull, some ribs, and 9-11
I disagree, he (and they) know what they are doing. Their base does not care about facts (liberal media) so they can say literally whatever they want and their voters will believe it. Shit, they could probably say that Hillary did 9/11 and it would go over well.
Was it not clear when Giuliani yelled “TRUMP IS A GOOD MAN!”?
Is losing?
Getting On The Court And Only Then Deciding That He Doesn’t Give A Shit
This ones better.