
That'll buffalo right out.

Chris Harris, Jalopnik writer.

Dealers regularly sold them above market value, and people paid the price.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but just for the record I did win that hypermiling competition with the cardboard there.

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I'll just let Regular Car Reviews explain MOAB

The Parajet Skycar is even cooler. Bad ass dune buggy and paraplane.

The entire GODDAMN Lotus lineup.

Now that's the sort of plane I want to party with.

Haha. Back to normal tomorrow!

An interesting article over at IEEE Spectrum details how Google's autonomous Prius became the first self-driving car to pass a state driving test. Even if it was a special autonomous car test with the route and acceptable weather conditions set by Google. And a Google engineer had to take over. Twice.

The Jaguar E-type. I don't think they're ugly, by any means, but they are rather awkwardly proportioned. They just don't do much for me.

I want the same thing that this guys is smoking..

It's got 20" wheels and a turbocharged 500 BHP engine.. and its super limited production numbers will ensure you're the only one in your town who's got one. This one's got only 1,000 miles on it after a rebuild and it's a steal at $40K (down from it's 250K sticker price in 1996).

> whether a customer asking to go to "the G" was referring to Geelong, the post office
> or the Melbourne cricket ground.

Remember when horses got too complicated? Like when you had to put horseshoes on them and crap? I mean come on.

You sound like my Dad - he opens up the hood on a modern car and says, "what is all this crap? Back in the old days, you could see straight through to the GROUND."