Toni O. King

Therefore, if you cannot find Starlite, then Tupperware will surely do!

As you can see, the egg turns into an interstellar amorphous vampire-zombie-time-traveller, with glowing eyes, only waiting for him to stop his flame, then it will jump up and bite the holder of the bunsen burner in his nose, immediately turning him into a mate.

Yes, I agree. I witnessed, first hand, a contingent of 144 US Marines, who ingested (ate) 2.7 gram of Starlite on December 22, 1998, before the invasion of the North Pole, and their next meal was during summer time, when they had reached Orvastipologorskidnieprskijski in Gulag, June 28, 1999. In the meantime, they had

Yes, because as you can see, they also don’t see straight. So, unless the decentered retardihorn and the eye displacement exactly compensate one another, there is a slight risk, that they actually worsen each other. The formula is here:

Yes, I even made a magic carpet of it, and I flew around the world and presented it, but one day, while I was flying from Chicago to San Diego, my carpet got caught up in the engine of AM2376/115 a routine flight (American Airlines), who had not stuck to his designated air corridor, and I fell down and died.

Should we then put him in prison in good time before he dies, at the time he dies, or after he dies. And in the latter case, before burial, or shall we exhume his bodily remains and put those in prison? We must give straight guide lines such that the authorities can implement the right handling.