Toni Bancae

I don’t know, really. Here in Italy, we learn to drive only with manual shifters, you can’t get your driver license driving a non-manual shifter car.

That’s nice. Less people who actually can’t drive on the road.

Guess what is not confusing?

I stole it from my dad, who stole it somewhere else. Go on, so I’ll have someone else to share my crime with :)

If he’s pointing his finger at the moon, watch the moon, not the finger.

I will choose two, among many. Both related to motorsport.

Yes, I know he’s enormously popular as a morning DJ. But still, self-proclaming as “human alarm clock for the UK” looks like a ego-alert to me.

I think we may have a ego problem here. Human alarm clock for an entire country?

I always wondered: do these people arrive at the meeting with their cars on a trailer? Because when i see things like this i’m amazed they succeeded arriving at the meeting.

And that my friend, it’s how you feed the demand of new bikes.

Good point. I’m a humble guy, a twin turbo V6 with 507 hp is enough for me, so I didn’t realize someone wanted more.

I think you exaggerated by a couple of cylinders.

They weren’t allowed by the BBC to use the word “Gear” in their show name.

Can’t wait to see how she performs that turn.

In my opinion, the problem will be when you mix autonomous cars and asshole drivers on the same roads. I mean, people wouldn’t accept to be in a car where they can’t do anything if an asshole driver is doing something that puts a menace on them.

FWD. Meh.

I guess they do, based on iPhone sales over the years.

This. 305 horsepower on a FWD Golf doesn’t tickle.

Can’t say it better than you did.

Mmm, I got a Renault Clio so, no, I can’t relate to that.