Scrolled for this, luckily it didn’t take long.
Scrolled for this, luckily it didn’t take long.
Man, you know nothing.
Wait 3 years and buy this ‘94 model in Italy:…
Holy shit, this is horrible.
2nd gear: we, italians, made a bmw-fighter in roughly three years. It will be fantastic, for sure. The thing is, we still don’t know if it will be a fantastic failure or a fantastic success. Odds are probably against us, but you know, such is life.
Yeah, of course. But what I was pointing at is infotainment systems sucking for a long time, and no one seemingly giving a shit about that.
Well, it’s incredible that those who work on infotainment department still have a job. So there is a small chance that something this stupid is happening.
Kelly Johnson once stated the 14 rules for making a successful aircraft. I think they’re easily applicable to auotmotive industry.
Neutral: looks like masturbation. Playing with yourself.
This does not happen even in Italy, or at least i never heard of something similiar. That should warn you about how moronic this was.
Excellent call Sir. My respect to you.
Shit, does somebody actually have to tell some 16 years old kids not to drink fuel? How did they manage to survive 16 years if they’re so stupid?
Is the man eligible for a Darwin Award?
I’m all in favour of global and unique safety standards, but I’m not really sure that putting an airbag as a standard equipment would eat GM’s profit on that vehicle. Let’s say they prefer bigger profits than safety, like almost everyone.
Finally someone said it loud.
But it will come only with an auto, full electrical engine and FWD.
Tonight I’m having two beers to you Sir. One for driving in the streets that unbelievable work of art, and the other one for being someone like us posting on Jalopnik. Cheers!
2nd gear - I blame Doug’s Range Rover for their difficulties.