
I was one of the people that were really REALLY let down on GTA V handling. GTA 4 was way better. Best handling in the series, even better after mods. sadly GTA V isn’t as good even modded.

Gta IV was the only one I played with a wheel and pedals every now and then.

To all of you saying passing on the DY is automatically Bad - stop. Just stop.

a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to

Whatever’s the most expensive, which I’d sell to buy an 821, an 899, a Grom and a whole bunch of mods.

Purists be damned. They said the same thing about Porsche making an SUV. There aren’t enough purists to maintain/expand some companies, so they have to expand their market, thus new products. Can’t blame them for that.

Or just get a german sport wagon. It can do most SUV things:

Europe calling. The norm here is plenty of sub 2 litre four cylinder cars going plenty over 85mpg.

To be fair, it is Italy. It’s not safe to assume that anyone is following traffic rules.

E38 FTW. Just look at it. Last of the classic BMW design language.

Just like this.

Here's an idea: want to play music from your phone? Plug it in with a cable. Want to make a call or text someone? Pickup the phone and do it. Bluetooth is crap

file this to "Things You Can't Do If Your Supercar Has Flappy Paddles"

This car chase is better than any modern movie. This is actual footage not shiload of doubles of very limited scenes. Nobody wants idiotic explosions and rollovers. Too bad this trend died.
But maybe with the advent of gopros and stuff they rethink and do better movies in the future.

y'know, as much as I believe government isn't automatically the answer to everything, I don't really have a problem with this. If only states in the US would go after unsafe mods like this, or those retards who put HID capsules in their stock halogen housings, or people driving with two temporary spares, or those

Once you start riding motorcycles, a lot about cars gets less exciting. Not that cars aren't exciting, but you can spend $5k on a used bike that generates performance numbers that only a much more expensive car could match. Power-to-weight for a 100hp, 450lb bike is 1:4.5. That's basically the equivalent of a Miata

If this was in Russia, we wouldve known how this happened. Lol

Mazda Miata MX-5: The Miata doesn't have a sport mode because it doesn't need one. It's perfect as-is.

As long as they fix the interior and the visibility issues I'm on board. Hell, if they just fix the interior I'd be happy. Who needs to see out anyway.

So by that logic it's ok to associate every feat of american engineering like all of the amazing NASA stuff with the fact that USA have murdered more people than all other countries combined in the last 20 or 30 years or so? Waging corporate wars for profit and power disguised by nazi-worthy propaganda as striving for

Very nice, except the color and wheels. I have a soft spot for the short-wheelbase 740i Sport.

I skimmed it, and caught the 3.4 (three point four) mpg figure at the end.