
For some reason, my complex doesn’t want me welding in the parking lot :D

They are great cars for anything that involves roads. I wouldn’t want it on a race course, but on open highway, it’s hard to beat.

2012 Toyota Avalon

Gaskets, there are 2 of them.

I think its their job to make you lose points, it worse than the NFL rulebook.

Don’t forget the tears

What about the years when they didn’t make it?


Yup, but you mod-motor guys have a good selection of billet replacements.

The German Onion. It’s all about peeling the layers, and you always need the deepest one.

Plastic Chain guides on the back of a Motor. What could go wrong.

no big deal - headlights only cost about an arm and a leg to replace; have to remove the front end!

The difference was W12 Phaeton owners could afford it.

You’re Not from Around Here, Are You?

The poutine here in MI is terrible, though.

To be fair, crazy temperature changes over short periods, rain, then extreme cold, snow, all of this over and over end up being very hard on roads.

Meanwhile, in Australia:

Psh, that’s just a little guy. These are allowed in some places.

As a reminder, MDOT’s official policy is they’re not held accountable for a pothole if it hasn’t been reported to them 30+ days ago.

It could be a sinkhole the size of Hell, Michigan that opens up overnight and swallows your car. MDOT says “nah, you’re accountable!”