
For $18.5k I could buy all of David Tracy’s pos cars and fix them up instead of buying one pos car.

This is why I don’t buy american cars. Great cars but the interiors are horrid to look at behind the wheel. They are catching up but still the design themes make puke.

Damn. I think I might go eBay for that part. It might save me $95,999.

But I wanna do burnouts and hit people at the local cars and coffee meetup!!

But is it road legal?

God dammit Japan! I can’t get your love children over here in the states soon enough but you are all rusting away somewhere else!!!

I find that posted speeds are there for the people who follow the next person ahead, Like fucking sheep.

There’s a yield sign. Not the same as a merge sign. I was perplexed at first but you gotta look for your signs.

Bro don’t you know about air holes? Less resistance=racecar.

“You can’t fix stupidity” - 4wsprelude

You are using the wing the wrong way. It’s supposed to lift your car up so you are lighter so you’ll be better around corners and straits because the engine doesn’t have to pull/push so much weight.

GTFO!!! Now!!!

IMO I think the last good looking vett was the C3. I could make an exception to the C4 because 80's kid here.

Dear old people with money: This is how your corvette should look like!

Lol in the twin cities you’ll hear these a lot on the radio and not know what they were talking about until you hit a traffic jam at noon on a Sunday!

Yes it was and it clearly didn’t come out as clean as a seasoned comic could of phrased because I could of had at least one star!!!

Are we going to argue who raped more people? Ghengis khan or Bill Cosby?

My first car I wanted was a LS400 off one of those shady used car lots. I couldn’t qualify so maybe I missed a bullet or maybe I missed the train to heaven.

I see one that has wicked set of gold rims on it rolling around my neighborhood.

Hot damn! I cringe when wrenching on anything with anything more then 4 cylinders and born after 2006!