Tom Yabo

‘Republican Rand Paul is Kentucky’s junior senator, which is kind of like starting on a JV squad. He’s a scout team member who is not really ready for primetime. He sits at the kids’ table during Thanksgiving ‘ 

But when more people die in Chicago , nobody bats an eye.

Check this then asshole.

You compare Stan Lee to Al Sharpton??? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

Because there are plenty of public statements by Sharpton that back this up.

You’re a fucking scumbag, dudebra. I wish you had the brain capacity for a coherent intellectual thought or even a funny sarcastic comment. But no, you’re just a dumb, moronic fucktard that is so fucking deluded that you live in this libtard echo chamber. Fuck off.

criticism does not equal racism

So when a white person criticizes a non-white it’s racist? How very open-minded of you liberals.

I’m sure your co-workers feel the same about you.

Really?, How about Norway 2011?

Read this then, you’ll love it.

And you’re brain should be quarantined by there isn’t a specimen bottle small enough.