Tom Yabo

That’s more like a sissy slap.

What a dumb fucking article.

You are COMPLETELY fucking wrong. WTF is your trip?

And whatever you post will come out sounding stupid as shit. I have to be wrong.

Fuck you too. Elijah Cummings is a fucking lying sack of shit. So when DJT calls him out for it, he gets the race card played on him again. Come up with something better than racist/homophobe/islamophobe when someone disagrees with you.

The class and diginity of the Obama administration...?

Yeah his one vote did you, you fucking asshat. Why don’t you and your family go fuck off? I you all get cancer of the genitalia and someone cunt punts your mother.

I won’t call you an optimist, just a deluded fucktard.

so why even post you fucking twat?

most aren’t and think that fucktards such as yourself would collapse into a little fetal ball if confronted with the real world. You’ve probably never even put your ass on the line for anything in your life, so go choke on your hermaphroditic mother’s dick.

Better than supporting a fucking douche like you. Get a real, coherent idea for a fucking change.

you’re a fucking moron.

and all the Dems will be seeing red when the orange man wins in 2020, so fuck y’all!

You’re talking about Barry Obama, right?

Looks more like your mother’s cunt.

“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation,”

Me too, because Cummings would never make it that far.

No, his comments mean that Baltimore is a crime ridden, mess of a city. What’s up with Mayor Pugh and the shit show she was running?

and why does the city keep losing residents?