Tom Waits's Old Hat

You don’t think Daniel Day-Lewis can bridge that gap?

Remember that time Daniel Day-Lewis took five years off from acting to study under an Italian cobbler? That was almost 20 years ago now. I’m just saying that he probably has run out of shoes by now and that is all this is.

Flowers appears to not realize that the loud sounds and pictures inside the TV stay in there. No one show her Downfall, or she’ll ask why Bruno Ganz wasn’t punished for his countless atrocities.

It’s uncanny how similar Donald Trump Jr.’s vocal tics are to those of his father.

Stupid flexy Sanders.

Not quite the same as your Stasi pitch, but I’d love to see a TV show set in the world of Brazil—I’m sure 12 Monkeys is a great show and all, but I feel like they adapted the wrong Terry Gilliam movie.

From wha I’ve seen, I would say that the ensemble is often very good—far, far better than the material—and that Christine Baranski is especially good when she was on it. But its longevity is still unfortunate, as is the fact that Jim Parsons has as many Emmys as David Hyde Pirrcr.

This is why I stick to The CW: Jane the Virgin, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, AND iZombie? Who needs the Big 3?

This whole thing makes me very sorry I paid for that (admittedly very tasty) döner at their open house last week.

Pity that Getafix’s strength potion died with him.

Did the Franks ever capture Asterix’s village?

Based on the general vibe of the post, perhaps she is describing a zen garden?

I guess they were really thorough when they rebuilt it after 1812?

I mean, wasn’t he already Prince George’s great-grandfather?

Still beats whatever gaudy gilded monstrosity of a wedding The Donald would plan.

He looks very different in the Facebook app:

There also might be a “gateway” effect caused by demonizing marijuana in terms of people thinking “If they lied about the dangers of pot, did they lie about the dangers of coke?” I mean, I’m guessing that few, if any, people actually go that far, but it seems like a plausible result from over-stating the dangers of

It’s surprising that President Trump granted John Dickerson an interview, considering what gets said about him on Slate’s Political Gabfest.