
IIts Wimbledon white which is an original Ford color. Not championship white. It’s more of an off white

Couldn’t Porsche just install a larger turbo to increase the range?

You’re right...minivans for all!

Think you might’ve been in the Chevy dealership.

Mustangs around here seem to be driven by middle-level management and late-boomer/early-GenX senior technical staff. Or their wives.

As far as I can tell, it’s a development platform for manufacturers and a retirement plan for former F1/WEC drivers. I’ve tried watching it, but for some reason I just can’t get excited about it. 

Just for the record.... THIS is the direction the industry should be headed.

Lost?  You should see the other guy. And by guy I mean pedestrian. 

car bad name

I was on the fence about having kids

Don’t forget to throw a min-price in there to avoid the mechanic specials.

I ended up with a 1987 Elite scooter and a broken laptop screen.


Going from V12 to 12V? Now that’s a switcheroo.


You get the EV races.  California hates cars.  F1 is definitely too loud.  Although I would kick a puppy to see F1 at Laguna Seca

When I bought my project car e46 last year the tone that the game makes when you purchase a car went off in my head.  If you know, you know.

A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.

Obviously, I don’t have a ton of access to their sales data, but anecdotally, I feel like Subaru owners tend to own their cars longer than owners of comparable brands.

It’s a Burfict ending.

Gee, it’s almost like a lot of people in their late 70’s often suffer from a decline in their mental faculties which causes them to sound confused and forgetful and makes them poor candidates for almost any job where mental sharpness is a major factor.